Tim & Jenn Adams
Regional Missionaries to Southeast Asia
At the invitation of the Asia Pacific Conference of the Church of God, Tim and Jenn will be walking alongside the Church of God leaders in Asia and the Pacific as regional missionaries, with a primary focus on the ten countries where the Church of God is present in Southeast Asia.
The Church of God has been established in Southeast Asia over the past several decades, growing and maturing under the leadership of national church leaders. Many of these Church of God assemblies are on the verge of leadership change. Tim and Jenn, from a base in Thailand, will establish solid working relationships with the leaders and pastors in the countries of Southeast Asia, walking alongside the church, providing resources, and assisting in the forthcoming transitions as these churches seek to live out the vision God has put before each of them.

Started in 2010, Anchored Warriors is a network of communities in Western Canada dedicated to intentional discipleship and sharing hope with Indigenous youth and exploring ways to connect with our Creator.
Eden Valley Youth
Anchored Warriors started in Eden Valley (2010) with the hope of being a safe space where youth could laugh, hang out, and bring their honest selves. More than a decade later, we’re still meeting up each month to spend time together, play games, and talk about life.​​​


Gardom Lake Bible Camp
British Columbia
First weekend of June


Eye Wheel Help
Changing lives, one at a time...

Restored mobility and sight means safe movement, income and human dignity.
Eye Wheel Help provides free wheelchairs and eye surgeries for poor disabled patients.
Focused: Of the many ways to help, we have specifically chosen to provide eye surgery and wheelchair.
Affordable: One-time gift costs approximately $80.00 per person. So we need just a $800.00 to help 10 patients.
With immediate results, long term impact: Once the gift is delivered, the quality of life improves instantly and lasts for long time!


Medical Ambassadors Canada
South East Asia and the Pacific
Since 1989, Medical Ambassadors Canada has been working to heal communities and transform lives.
Jesus’ ministry on earth revealed that he cares for the WHOLE person. He was moved by people’s spiritual AND physical pain. At Medical Ambassadors Canada, we strive to follow the example Jesus set for holistic healing.
We use a development process called Community Health Evangelism (CHE) that addresses the needs of the whole person—physical, spiritual, emotional, and social.
By using CHE, Medical Ambassadors is equipping individuals to be independent workers and evangelists in their own communities. The CHE methodology is built on specific core values.

Shan Project is partnering with local communities in the Golden Triangle to see transformational development take place through the power of the gospel, in all areas of society, making disciples who live out of a biblical worldview amongst the nations.
Spreading Joy in Remote Places
YWAM Shan Project has been serving in the Golden Triangle region since 2009. We currently are the umbrella organization for Inductive Bible Study Book by Book and M28 Studios. We are founding alliance members of ESSTA, our legal organization in Myanmar. ​
Elizabeth and Rob Lumke

Sheep River YWAM - Turner Valley
Andrae Braun
We are a ministry that has been training, sending, and supporting missionaries since 1985. Our campus is established along the Sheep River in the foothills of Alberta, but our hearts remain in Southeast Asia where we are focused on blessing the Shan people.
We embrace our calling by activating young missionaries through our local training programs and overseas ministry.
Over the years YWAM Sheep River has had the privilege of targeting people groups from different parts of the globe. In particular, we feel that God’s call on our community is to focus our resources in the direction of the Shan people. Not long ago, individuals from YWAM Sheep River planted a Bible school and community development program amongst the Shan people of Southeast Asia. We feel this is only the beginning of a new chapter of missions history for YWAM Sheep River. To encourage young people to consider offering their lives to reach out to the Shan is our way of offering what we have before Jesus.

Vision Ministries Canada (VMC) was started in the mid-1990s primarily for the purpose of evangelism through church planting – something we remain very passionate about. In fact, today VMC is one of the most active church planting organizations in Canada. VMC continues to be a very active Canadian church planting organization.

This congregation is all former Muslims and many who had never been to a Christian church before. Remember to pray for this church plant and for the church to grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus. There are many challenges involved but together we pray that God will continue to draw people to Himself in a powerful way.
To learn more contact our Missions Committee who work to help facilitate Mission Projects both here and around the world. Email us at: Mission Committee - mcc2mission@gmail.com